"Don't let my teaching get in the way of your learning."

Donald Murray
(Pedagogy) Philosophy and Nonsense      
Thoughts about writing, education, and experience                                  Presented by Forrest D. Poston

The first goal of teaching is to strengthen, deepen and refine our intrinsic love of learning. All other goals and all methods must stem from that idea. Any that do not support that goal must at least be questioned and adjusted, if not eliminated. Otherwise, we are not teaching but training.

Teachers: Help your students surpass you....while always raising the bar by learning from your students.

Writing and Education

Autobiography Challenge

Considering Conclusions

Considering Introductions

Four Meanings of Life

Godot and the Great Pumpkin

A Major is More Minor Than
You Think

The Poetry Process (A look at 4 versions of a poem.)

Thoughts About Picking a Major

Quick Points About Education

Quick Points About Writing

Reading Poetry and Cloud Watching

Revising Revision

Reviving Experience

Reviving Symbolism

Using an Audience

What Makes a Story True?

What's the Subject of This Class? (Being revised.)

Why Write?

Writing and Einstein (The Difference Between Information and Meaning)

Writing and the Goldilocks Dilemma

Links to Other Sites
Something Somewhat Vaguely Like a Resume

For those with an interest in qualifications, background, and such matters (and in case a school in the Appalachians would like to offer me a job), here is just a sketch of something vita-like.

Between adjunct and graduate teaching assistant, I've got about 13 years experience teaching various levels of composition plus a bit of literature, speech, and small-group communication. I've taught at Ohio State, WVU-Parkersburg, Central Ohio Technical College, Ohio University, University of Rio Grande/Rio Grande Community College, University of Southern Indiana, and Owensboro Community College.

I was in Who's Who Among America's Teachers twice.....not a great thing since they are trying to sell items, but it still required being nominated by students who thought I was their best teacher.  That's the kind of reference I like....and hope some students will be saying it when they turn 30, and 50, and 60.

I currently make my living as an antiques/collectibles dealer and with a bit of writing.

I passed my Ph. D. exams at Ohio University (20th Century Literature), but I'm way past the time limit for writing my dissertation.

I got my M.A. at Ohio State despite really annoying two professors who had never agreed on anything except their negative opinions of me.

Part way through my freshman year, I decided that I would drop out at the end of the year and become a stand-up comedian. A lack of self-discipline put an end to that idea, and I eventually remembered that I had wanted to be a teacher since 6th grade.  I hate saying it took me that long to be ready, but I think I'll always be getting ready.

Along the way, I've worked 42 or so non-teaching jobs. Those include selling vacuum cleaners, repairing railroad tracks, carpenter's helper, various stages of concrete work, plumbing, stereo sales, roofing, car sales, linen/uniform delivery, several fast food stints, and several that I can't think of at the moment (and several that I'd simply rather not think about).

I really believe the class and school mission statements about helping students think, learn, and grow. That's what tends to get me in trouble.  I'm a hard-core idealist.

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Other Essays and Poetry

Something Somewhat Vaguely Like a Resume

Being Like Children

The Blessing and the Blues

The Cat With a Bucket List

David and the Revelation

The Dawn, the Dark, and the Horse I Didn't Ride In On (an odd, meandering, semi-romantic story)

Ghost Dancer in the Twilight Zone

The Hair Connection and the Nature of Choices

The Mug, the Magic, and the Mistake

Trumpet Player, USDA Approved


Selected Poems

The Poetry Process

Writing by Current or Former Students

Ms. Write Meets Her Match in Jr. Ms. Write Now
by Heide Perry

I'll Just Have Cats
by Cara Hummel

Toys to Toys
by Allyson Bowlds

Scribbles and Bits

Links to Other Sites